I had been thinking about going to the Marin Headlands and taking some pics of the Golden Gate Bridge for some time. Saturday evening, Feb. 07, I decided to do it. Left home, thinking that I had plenty of time to get there before sunset.
I've been living in the Bay Area for many years now, but still manage to get surprised by
- Shot a few pics of the Golden Gate and then my car
- Lent my tripod to a fellow photographer who was without one
- took a picture of a couple with my camera as their camera couldn't handle fill-flash, and was making the Golden Gate a black blob.
Lessons learnt: I've made it a habit to check all my gear before leaving a place, and it paid off on Saturday. At some point, I dropped my Remote Switch cable on the ground - $60ish value at Amazon.com - as I was packing up. It took me about 20 minutes to find it with the place being so dark. Later on, I realized that I could have just fired my flash to kind of check the place out.
Here are a couple of other pictures I took:
- the couple I mentioned (hand-held at 800 ISO with on-camera fill-flash - shooting mode Av)
- my car (camera on tripod, F2.8/ 4 sec exposure and flash handheld fired twice, one from the right of the car and the other from the left - notice the shadows of the car)
- shot in RAW, Color Space Adobe RGB
- 30 sec, f/8, February 7, 2009 at 6:35pm
- Location: click on the picture and click "map" link (bottom right of page)
- Shot with camera on tripod, with remote release
- picture style: Neutral
- sharpness 0
- color saturation 0
- contrast 0
In Canon DPP
- white balance set to 2800K
- adjusted exposure +1.5 stops
- straighten & crop (to keep it rectangle)
- sharpen with unsharp mask
- add a hue/saturation layer to bring out the colors in the middle (added with an elliptical layer mask)
- add text to fill the boring underexposed mountain.
"Out of Camera" Picture
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