I think this one came out pretty nicely.
I then took a self-portrait. You can see the flash in the photo - no time to set up stands, etc. I could have photo-shopped it out, but chose not to spend the time. Kind of gives it a "real" feeling to me.
The ambient light was pretty warm (close to tungsten), so I gelled the flash with

(With me out of the photograph, I played around in post, and picked a slightly different WB for the photograph above)
Lessons learnt: The mistake I made was in judging the ambient light/exposure time combination, and while I kept in roughly the same place to block any light behind me, I did not stay still. You can see that my right side, which was illuminated only by the flash, is sharp. However, my left side has a ghost image as I kept moving in the same space for the 3 minute exposure.
Well, I would also consider not smiling a mistake :-)
Strobist concepts applied:
Balancing ambient/background light with flash power
Balancing color of flash with background/ambient light
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